Thursday, January 3, 2013
More About Last Night's Post
So last night, The Blog played the time honored game that he likes to call, "What Do Those Lyrics Really Mean?"
The Blog was rather taken aback by the comments, one here on the blog (where comments on The Blog's post belong, thank you!) and a few on Facebook (because *ahem* some people just cannot follow instructions!)
Which is not to say that The Blog doesn't appreciate comments, wherever they show up.
He does.
But, wow! My blogglitts are attributing far more depth to that post than is, probably, warranted.
The Old PC feels like he posted a Rorschach test and, maybe, learned more about his bloglitts than his blogglitts learned about him.
Here are two of the best comments...
Click to enlarge. But, you know that.
To the former I respond...
Well said. There is a lot of truth here. But, I am not referring to the "Mind Killer" sort of numbness. Nor do I talk of a "fear that there is nothing beyond a stark reality..." but rather an acceptance and, even, an embrace of the concept.
I respect "the path of [your] calling." Even if I have my own doubts.
I hope that I am not stepping out of bounds to mention that the commenter goes by the title "Reverend."
*End Digression*
*Wait! One more digression!*
The Blog never got into "Dune." Much in the way that he never warmed to "The Lord of the Rings" novels. Both too serious and humorless for my taste. One of The Blog's favorite SciFi authors, Spider Robinson, has written a couple of books on the subject of the mind killer. Both novels can be found compiled in a single book (badly) titled, "Death Killer." Great reads! Check them out!
*End... oh hell, you know.*
I, too, believe in hope in the face of darkness.
"Where there is life, there is hope."
That is one of The Blog's dearest philosophies.
I regard the idea of "comfortably numb" as it is referred to in the song as the defense mechanism that we all employ to get through the mundane, the annoying and the tragic that come with adulthood.
Not a bad thing.
Just a thing.
I used the word "melancholy" to describe the song and the feelings that the song evokes. I stand by it.
I have to single out the statement that "numbness was never comfortable."
It often isn't.
The pinched nerve in The PC's left hand, as we speak, attests to the fact that numbness, often, isn't comfortable.
But, anyone who has ever suffered from "dry socket" after having wisdom teeth removed (as The Blog has) knows that the daily injection of Novocain is a kiss of numbness that is dearly accepted!
To the latter comment...
Full disclosure...
The Blog knows who "Unknown" is and "Unknown" knows The Blog better than, pretty much, anybody.
It is true. I have sailed my pirate ship, "career wise!" In spades! And, I have buckled a few swashes in that time.
And, I wouldn't trade those times for the world!
But, the ship is in dry dock, now. I accept that as probable fact.
Neil Armstrong once commented (and I am paraphrasing, here) "I have walked on the moon, but I still have to take the garbage out."
*About your aside... pretty much every teacher I know, Mrs. Blog included, counts "Another Brick in the Wall" ("We don't need no education. We don't need no thought control.") among their favorite songs from their younger days. That song is about bad teachers and "mind killing" education. So, it makes sense that good teachers love that song!*
To both of you (and everyone else who has chimed in,) I think that we should appreciate and embrace all of the good that our adult lives have given us. But, I think that it is disingenuous to suggest that we do not, occasionally, miss, with melancholy, the innocence of our childhoods.
(For the record...
"Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" is about drugs.
Because, really!
"Rocky Mountain High" is not.
Because, again, really!)
Wooo-hooo! I made the blog! ;)
ReplyDeleteThat's a great Neil Armstrong quote! I get what you're saying and I DO agree. I just can't resist Pollyanna-ing everything - especially when things are especially challenging. Alas.
I'm relieved to hear that my early fondness for "Another Brick in the Wall" wasn't too weird or hypocritical. As I think about it, I was probably in 4th grade. Not a great year for me. The teacher seemed to take an immediate dislike to me, so my returning it wasn't far behind.