Sunday, May 12, 2013
The Most Epic. Music Video. Ever.
Over the last several months, Canadian astronaut, Col. Chris Hadfield has been the commander of the International Space Station.
And, in addition to performing his space station astronaut duties, he has also become a YouTube™ superstar.
During his time in space, he has posted numerous videos demonstrating various "Zero G" experiments, mostly focused on the behavior of water, and in one video, a haircut, in a Zero G environment.
Here is one of his posts, demonstrating that, in space, tears never fall.
(Which is begging to be the tag-line of movie staring Ryan Gosling and directed by Ridley Scott.)
There are an ass-load of Chris Hadfield videos on YouTube™. Many of them are not on his own YouTube™ channel. So, just do a general search on him to find some really fascinating stuff.
But, early today, as he was waiting to be taken back to Mother Earth, Commander Chris made one last video from the space station.
Officially elevating the YouTube™ astronaut, rock star to "YouTube™ Astronaut, ROCK STAR."
Here it is.
When you are done watching that, do check out his other videos.
Because, fuck the vapid, manipulated, bullshit, pseudo-reality of "Duck Dynasty," "The Real Housewives," or the Kardashians...
Commander Col. Chris Hadfield is the real deal.
Rock on, Col. Chris!
(And, special thanks to The Blog Jr. for directing me to this awesome video!)
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