Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bonus 11/22/63-13 Post

Tonight, on the night of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of JFK...

One of The Blog's most conservative friends...

No, check that...

The Blog's most conservative friend...

An evangelical college professor with a PhD in far right, fundamentalist "Christian," tea bagging, sanctimony...

Dropped a big old, heaping helping of backhanded disrespect for the anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination.

(I guess he didn't get the latest memo that JFK has now been, magically, transformed into a conservative.)

Absorb this...

He is correct. As far as it goes.

C.S. Lewis, the genius novelist and pioneer of "Y.A." fiction did, indeed die of natural causes on the same day that JFK was assassinated.

And, as commenter Blurry Blurryson correctly points out, another genius novelist, Aldous Huxley, also passed away from the same affliction, (old age,) that took C.S. Lewis, on that same day.

The Blog is an admirer of all three of these brilliant men.

C.S., Aldous, JFK.

Tragic losses, all.

But, as they say on "Sesame Street..."

"One of these things is not like the other."

Only one of these men lost his life on the wrong end of a bullet.

Post Script...

That tremor you just felt in SoCal was the secular humanist and Pear Blossom Highway resident Aldous Huxley rolling over in his grave, after being lumped in with the Christianist Lewis and Catholic Kennedy.

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