Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Did You See It?

Yesterday's Presidential Inauguration ceremony was so chock full of awesomeness, and the response from the various right-wing pundits and propaganda outlets, so full of monkey fuck bat-shitterey, that it is going to take your Old Uncle PC a couple of nights to write about it.

Be patient, my blogglitts! And stay tuned!

There is so much to comment on.  And, those comments are coming.

Tonight, just to get it out of the way...

 The Blog, a professional beauty expert and licensed cosmetologist, loves the First Lady's new hair do.

"Halle Barry-esque," I say.

Her critics, including Mrs. Blog, can suck it.

The extremely straight, yet, totally in touch with his feminine side, PC says...

"You go, girl!"


  1. Dear Mrs. Blog... I'm certain Mr. Blog means something far less harsh....

    1. A rare comment on a comment...

      As (I hope) my blogglitts know by now, much of what I say is "tongue-in-cheek."

      It seems to The Blog that the phrase "suck it" has become the "go to come back" in sit-coms in the past year or so. And, as Mrs. Blog knows, The PC finds it to be one of the dumbest, lamest, laziest lines that any writer can fall back on.

      So, The Blog used it here, ironically.

      But, The Blog does disagree with Mrs. Blog on her assessment of of the FLOTUS' new do.
