Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Some More Thoughts About Guns

As The Blog posted last night, (this morning,) in the last few weeks since the massacre in Newtown, CT and in the last couple of days...

Yesterday being the second anniversary of the shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords...

The batshit has hit the fan, where the subject of guns are concerned.

Things are so crazy that The Blog doesn't really know where to start (or finish, for that matter.)

So I'm just going to start writing and see where it takes us.

That means that this post is going to be sloppier than usual.

A bit of free association.

                                                                         A bit "scatter shot," if I may.
The Blog likes gay people.

(Bear with me...)

He has many gay friends, family and coworkers.

He has actively advocated for equal rights and same-sex marriage.

The PC (who is straight) works in show business, as a make-up artist.

So you could say that The Blog is "gay adjacent."

But, The PC kind of cringes, a bit, whenever his gay friends gather up all of their most extreme, negative, in your face, "Let's scare the shit out of the straights," "We're here and we're queer" stereotypes and whip up a "Gay Pride" parade.

The Blog's gay friends have made far more advances to the cause by interacting in normal, everyday life with the straights around them, than they ever have with any extravagant public display.

"So," you ask, "What the fuck does that have to do with our God given right to bear arms?"

"Well," I respond, "I'm getting to that now, if you would just not be so impatient."


Even though The PC does not own any guns, himself, he supports the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.

He believes that we, as American citizens, have the right to bear arms.

And, while he believes that the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Second Amendment is ridiculously flawed, it's decided law.

So he is fine, if not entirely comfortable, with gun owners and sellers.

But, in the shadow of the gun massacre at Sandy Hook, the Aurora, CO movie theater shooting, the second anniversary of the Gabby Giffords shooting and, on the very day of the anniversary of the murder of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. ...

The NRA and other gun nuts Second Ammendment fetishists supporters, plan to hold a "Gun Appreciation Day" on January 19, 2013.

Sorry. The above is not a photo of "Gun Appreciation Day," but rather "Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day." That was the day, in 2012, when thousands of self-righteous, fag hating, pseudo-Christians, got together to clog their arteries with fried food, to stand up for their bigoted point of view.

Which brings us full circle to the "Gay Pride" thing.

Which wasn't what I set out to do. But, if the analogy fits...

The Blog's point is...

Really? Now? This soon? And on the anniversary of the gun death of MLK, Jr.?

Do you really want to do that?

There is a petition going around on Facebook, demanding that "Gun Appreciation Day" be cancelled.

This was my response to that...

"If people want to show you who they really are, let them."

If the NRA and the yahoos who support them want to gather, en mass, on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination, on the weekend of the president's inauguration, let them.

Let them show us what kind of people they are. 
 Moving on...

In the aftermath of the official statement from the public face of the NRA...

                                                                                         Wayne LaPierre
The statement where he blames gun violence on everything but guns...

And the solution to gun violence as "more guns..."

The NRA desperately needed someone to make LaPierre seem reasonable.

That's when...

                                                                                   This guy happened.
Alex Jones.

"C List" radio personality, anti-government conspiracy theorist and monkey fuck crazy, paranoid, survivalist, gun nut, Alex Jones, had a full blown, holy shit, (is accusing a Brit of being a "Red Coat" racist?) spittle spewing meltdown.

There is a clip here.

There are so many clips of Jones' insanity on YouTube, mostly posted on his own channel, that The Blog cannot link to all of them here.

Feel free to explore them, yourself.

What we learned...

                                                                    There are black SUVs in New York City.

Well, shit! I get it now. That is just sinister!

And, it would seem, his New York fans are all, actually, "Bloomberg, Mafia, detective, cops!"


Alex Jones must own stock in Alcoa.

He and his fans must spend a fortune on "tin foil," for the making of hats.

One last point...

If, when you hear, "We need to have a reasonable discussion about curbing gun violence," you think that that means, "Obama, Biden, The Gu'mint, The U.N. are sending jackbooted storm-troopers to my door to take away my guns..."

You ARE the problem.

You ARE the mental health issue.

Maybe you should just turn yourself in.


  1. I like gay pride parades! And anyhow, maybe if all the "Second Amendment proponents" gather in one place, they'll set off a chain reaction....

  2. This needs repeating:
    If, when you hear, "We need to have a reasonable discussion about curbing gun violence," you think that that means, "Obama, Biden, The Gu'mint, The U.N. are sending jackbooted storm-troopers to my door to take away my guns..."

    You ARE the problem.

    You ARE the mental health issue.

    Maybe you should just turn yourself in.

    1. The Blog would like to welcome two new commenters!

      Welcome aboard, "A Hopeful Cynic" and "spinoza."

      The PC hopes that you enjoy the blog and will come by and comment, often!
