Monday, June 24, 2013

Pussy Riot

Tuned in to CBS' "60 Minutes" tonight for the sole purpose of getting a juvenile laugh out of hearing a staid, buttoned down news reporter utter the words "Pussy Riot."

Is that wrong?

Lesley Stahl reported.

It would have been more, juvenilely funny if Scott Pelley had done the report.

That's probably why they gave it to Lesley.

The Blog is thinking back to the days of the Clinton administration, when Dan Rather had to talk about "oral sex" over and over again, with a straight face.

You can't write that sort of sophomoric comedy. (Unless you write for "2 Broke Girls.")

It was, actually, an excellent report.

If you are one of those Obama haters that thinks that our president is running a dictatorship...

... go see what Putin is doing in Russia, right now.

One thing struck The PC, while watching this story.

Call me shallow, or even, sexist...

                                               But, holy shit, these women are gorgeous!

Forgive me for this, but...

If you are of a certain age, (as The Blog is,) your only exposure to the femininity from the then U.S.S.R. was during the Olympics...

And the only "hot" Russian women...

                                                              ...were Soviet spies.

 The PC has been to Moscow and is here to tell you that some of the most beautiful women in the world are in, or from, the former Soviet Bloc.

During the Cold War, someone was lying to us about Russian women.

Just sayin'.

Which brings us to this...

The Blog knows what you are thinking...

You are thinking, "Hey! You saw "60 Minutes" tonight! That must mean that TWC fixed your cable problem."

You would be wrong.

After doing a whole bunch of shit to The PC's cable lines, today, the signal, once again, dropped out at about 7:40 PM.

The signal returned about an hour and a half later, in time to see most of "The Good Wife" and all of "The Mentalist."

But, no.

The problem has not been resolved.

Another tech appointment has been set for tomorrow afternoon, "between 1:00 and 2:00."

I swear to Dog! If I don't get my "Under the Dome" tomorrow night, things are going to get ugly.

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